The Godi Method® Workshop “Ottimizzare l’Allenamento tramite Allineamento Posturale” took place on November 3rd and 4th at the Studio Butterfly-GYROTONIC® Ponte Milvio, Rome, Italy. This Workshop was open to GYROTONIC® Trainers, Fitness and Wellness Trainers, Physical Therapist, Yoga and Pilates Trainers.
This workshop taught how to apply correct posture in exercise and to crack patterns of tension, and dispense with the muscle aches and pains that you’ve experienced in the past.
The Godi Method® which is inspired by the Mezieres Method, combines proprioceptive and basic fitness exercises and simple breathing so that you use only the muscles required for a specific movement, without interference by other muscles unnecessary for those movements.
During this ten hours workshop, the participants focused on different terrains: the pelvis and lower back, the mid-back and shoulder girdle and the neck and head. Through specific breathing and proprioceptive exercises, the participants freed their breaths from its restrictions. By applying proper posture and alignment, they cracked the patterns of tension during the training process and achieved a more efficient and effortless way to move and work out.