The Godi Method®: One-on-One
The Godi Method®s one-on-one training (inspired by The Mézières Method) program is founded on the concept of Body Bio-individuality. Each person is a unique individual and his/her needs in term of movement are highly specific. In recognition of this, The Godi Method®s one-on-one instruction begins with a complete assessment of postural alignment. The result of the assessment informs the choice of a series of highly customized exercises aimed at reaching and maintaining your optimal alignment and making your workouts more efficient, effortless and enjoyable. During the one-on-one sessions your individual preferences, energy levels, and even the work you do for a living (as it relates to your movement needs), along with previous and/or current injuries and health conditions, will all be taken into consideration to structure your personalized regimen.
The Godi Method®: Group Classes
The Godi Method® is a new form of training methodology which teaches people how to achieve correct posture when they exercise. The Godi Method® (inspired by the Mézières Method) also emphasizes the importance of proper breathing and ultimately leads to a more efficient way of moving and working out. What you learn can be applied outside your workout routine as well, in your daily activities and other training modalities, putting you in charge of your movements and harmonizing how your muscles work together. With The Godi Method®, you will become the boss of your own movement. The classes take place every Wednesday at 12 pm and every Thursday at 7.30 pm at CRS STUDIO in the heart of Union Square in New York City.
The Godi Method® Workshops
The Godi Method® workshops allow participants to understand, experience and practice The Godi Method® methodology in a concentrated amount of time. The workshops are tailored to suit the needs of participants and host organizations and are applicable to their specific requirements.
At the core of all workshops is the optimization of the exercise through postural alignment. This highly efficient method is proven to result in more effective workouts and develops not only of an awareness of the body but also of an awareness of the body when it is put under effort.
The Godi Method® workshop have been tailored for Personal Trainers, Massage Therapists, Physical Therapists, GYROTONIC® Trainers, Master Trainers, Yoga and Pilates Trainers, Gymnastic Coaches and Physical Educators, and Gymnasts as well as individuals seeking to elevate their workouts while relieving strain exercise may normally put on their bodies.
The workshops are offered in 3, 4, 8, 10 and 12 hour sessions based on the topics presented and the audience addressed.
To host a Godi Method® Workshop in your location, please contact: or (646) 824-7414
What You Can Expect
Over time, you will gradually change your lifestyle thanks to th
e fact that you will become uniquely aware of your own body and begin to consciously choose the movement types and frequencies that work for you. The Godi Method® is not goal-oriented; it is lifestyle-altering. All too often a person approaches physical activity with a specific goal, such as building muscles or losing weight. When they reach their goal, they once again become less mindful of their movement, and over time, they revert back to their original state (gaining back weight, losing muscle mass, etc.) The Godi Method®s mission is to take you on a journey through your body, helping you become familiar with the nuances of its movement, balanced against your needs. Little by little, you will notice your movement mentality shift from "I need to move my body to achieve something" to "I need to move because it feels good."